Five Tips for Software Optimization
Question: Has your business changed since you introduced the software tools that you use? Do your employees now have manual steps that could be automated?
Tip One: Redefine your business processes in conjunction with defining software to support them.
Question: Do you have multiple databases supporting multiple software tools? If so, does any data reside in more than one database? Does any data need to be input in multiple systems? Is there validation between data in different databases?
Tip Two: Combine data into ONE database, accessed by multiple software tools if necessary.
Question: If you have multiple software tools, do they talk to each other?
Tip Three: Add software that allows tools to talk to each another and share data.
Question: Do you have multiple software tools doing the same thing? (May seem like a silly question, but many organizations do!)
Tip Four: Are there compliance reasons why you need redundancies? If not, then consolidate to one tool.
Question: Can you get the data analytics that you need out of the data that you collect?
Tip Five: Create a data dashboard to give you real-time access to the data analytics you need.
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